Clarity and commitment.
With a significant number of our clients receiving funds at or above the Single Audit threshold (now $1 million), Maher Duessel offers a rare depth of expertise in federal compliance matters. Our team specializes in guiding clients through complex regulations in a clear and efficient manner. We ensure that every Single Audit we perform aligns with the latest standards, providing peace of mind for organizations that rely on federal funding.
With service to over 800 clients in the public sector, our team members are focused on Single Audit compliance matters throughout the year. They bring personalized attention and a keen eye for the details of these complex regulatory matters to make the Single Audit process as stress free as possible. In addition, we organize regular Continuing Professional Education (CPE) seminars for our staff and clients to ensure that key stakeholders are regularly apprised of Single Audit accounting and auditing matters.
We perform Single Audits for a broad range of clients. We take pride in issuing audit reports that provide financial transparency and are compliant with all regulations while providing our clients actionable information to draw upon to make improvements to their operations.
Expertise you can lean on.
Our dedicated Single Audit team is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and compliance. Our involvement in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Governmental Audit Quality Center empowers our professionals to stay ahead of regulatory changes so you can stay focused on meeting the needs of the individuals depending on your organization.
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Let’s get started.
Ensure your organization’s compliance with confidence. Learn how Maher Duessel’s Single Audit services can bring expertise and efficiency to your audit process.